Power BI Custom Visuals
All custom visuals are 100% free (no in-app purchases) at the Microsoft AppSource. Check back often for new additions.
Overlapping Bar Chart
A layered bar chart allows you to quickly compare values from two series while still staying compact and clean. We frequently use it to compare actual results to budget/forecasts, but we are sure you will find even more creative uses for it.
Frankly, we are surprised this didn't come as an option within the standard bar chart, but if the ideal solution isn't there then we build it. Now we are sharing it because we want you to love Power BI too.
Expanding Circle Card
It's clean and simple and when you hover over the circle it expands as large as you want. This visual is also highly customizable making it the perfect tool for highlighting the most important KPI.
Circle Scatter Chart
Similar to a normal scatter chart, the circle scatter chart allows you to communicate up to four categories per data point using x, y, size and color. All of this is wrapped around a circular plot. It's still in development so you will have to use your imagination, but trust us, it looks pretty cool. We can't wait to share the final product with you.